Grand Hyatt
Discover how Grapeseed Media Generated $1,647,787 of Revenue for Grand Hyatt New York.
The McKittrick Hotel
Completed in 1939, The McKittrick Hotel was intended to be NYC’s finest luxury hotel. Two days after the outbreak of WWII, the legendary hotel was condemned. Until now…
The legendary space is reinvented with SLEEP NO MORE. Audiences move freely through a transporting world at their own pace, choosing their own path through the story, immersed in the most unique theatrical experience in NYC.
While SLEEP NO MORE practically sells itself, Grapeseed Media was tasked with promoting a lesser-known (to the US market) performance, THE WOMAN IN BLACK at the McKittrick Hotel.
Introduce a new show to past attendees and bring in new audiences
Drive a return-on-ad-spend of 300%+
Provide a trackable uptick in ticket sales
Favorably position The McKittrick Hotel in NYC’s return to theater after the COVID shutdown
685 %
85 %
Audio Completion Rates
53 %
CTR Above Benchmark